Antibes on a morning when it seemed as though the sky had forgotten it ever had clouds. I enjoyed the symmetry of the Nomade sculpture as seen from the archways beneath.
The perfect streets of Mons, a picturesque hilltop village where they produce honey and jam, where cats sleep peacefully in the sun and where flowerpots are more common than anything else.
The complicated and voluminous work of Niki de Saint Phalle really plays with the mind - it's so fun to look at all the small details and wonder what thoughts might have been behind them.
After long train rides and lack of sleep, returning to the calm of Uppsala was a pleasure this evening. Especially when I passed through the main square and stumbled upon an ice sculpture of a 'pulsating heart'. This place has infinite charm.
It was lunchtime in Nice and after wandering around for awhile we ended up in this half tent, half grandmother's living room that went by the name 'Le bouchon Provençal'. It was a bitterly cold Thursday so luckily we were seated under a heater and treated to three courses of good hearty French cooking. The best part was when the owner said she felt we had 'good energy' and whipped us up her special chocolate fondant for dessert. I could have stayed there all day.
I smiled at the neon lights and creative signs of the funny little stores all crammed together. I listened to the sounds of traffic and nearby conversations. I felt the warmth of the night and the light breeze on my skin as I walked through it all.
Recently i've found myself drawn towards light and shadows, and in particular designs that play with both in unusual ways. I love the distinct markings present here, its almost tiger-like.